
I’m Laura Rullo,


My Story

Early Years:

I’ve been a studying classical piano since the age of 5 and started voice lessons around that time as well. Shortly after that, I picked up the guitar and haven’t looked back since. Once I figured out how to play a few chords, I was on my way. And I’ve had so many kind and supportive people in my life along the journey that have encouraged me and worked with me to navigate me from one great opportunity to the next.

My public performance story started in my small country church in Westmoreland County, PA. It was there that I first gathered the courage to stand up in front of a group of people, strum my guitar and sing into a mic. And I’m still there, singing every week. 🙂

Moving On Up:

I quickly went from church to the local open mic scene. And like most people, I was terrified and intimidated to sing amongst a community of strangers that were no doubt much further along in their own journeys. What I found in that community was a family… a group of people who would become great friends who cheer me on and support me through every phase of music growth. Open mics are a great experience and I’ve found it to be very welcoming. I still remember the first one I ever did when I was 9 years old! And I still do at least one or two every week.

As I got more stage time and experience, I developed a repertoire of (cover) songs and before I knew it, I had a legit set list. And from there, I was off and running! Pretty soon people were offering me gigs and I had to figure out how to make that work pretty quickly. Over the past couple of years, I’ve gotten to play at so many beautiful venues and meet great people all over the region. I went into this expecting to just play music (for myself) and grow as a musician. But the way that the community has welcomed me and the personal relationships that I’ve developed with other musicians, venue owners, and music lovers in general has been such a pleasant surprise. I’m grateful for you all!

Where To Find Me:

You can find me playing throughout the greater Westmoreland County area and beyond. I play at a lot of festivals, markets, restaurants, wineries, breweries, clubs, cafés and even private events. My schedule is always up-to-date here on my website and I promote most events on my social media platforms.

How To Book Me:

My schedule is always open for new bookings! You can email Laura@RockWithLaura.com, or submit a booking request via my website, or simply send me a message on social media where you can find me as @LauraRulloMusic.

The Road Ahead:

I’ve started to integrate some originals into my set list and I’m continuing to work on those. I’ve done some collaboration with other musicians in the area and I anticipate more of that in the future. Public performing will continue to be the primary focus, but I have hopes of doing some recording and expanding into other areas. Wherever this goes, I just plan to have fun and I hope you’re there with me!


My public events are listed in the calendar below. Check back often as there are ALWAYS events being added. And don’t forget to Like/Follow my Facebook and Instagram accounts to stay in the loop.


Booking Requests & Inquiries

First Name
Last Name
Date of Event (if Booking Request)
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